Just Sharks!
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Sharks and Rays have always held a terrible fascination for us humans. They have featured down through the ages in art and literature as monsters of the deep, and have given birth to many myths. How much do we really know about them? Though out this site is interesting information and facts on sharks, that will hopefully give you a greater understanding on how sharks live ,interact, perceive and more.
Site Updates
8/12/00-INTRODUCTION: This site is still in construction phase at the moment but it will be up and running within a couple of weeks

13/12/00 I,ve been working hard typing out imformation for this site, it still has a long way to go, but it now contains some interesting infomation. Please take the time to have a look and participate in the servey. (Any feedback will be appreciated.)
The Great White Shark (Carcharhinus Leucas)
The Great White is believed to live up to 100 years of age. This is much more than was previously thought.

Please participate in my Survey below.

My Survey
Should Great Whites and other Sharks that attack humans be Killed?

Should all Sharks be protected?

and more ....
Current Results

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Any companies or businesses wanting to advertise on this site please contact me at Kschonewille@ozemail.com.au

Mako Shark
The mako shark is a close relative of the Great white.
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